⬅ Previous: Click here to learn about Universal Healthcare
Oregon’s on the way to Universal Healthcare! This isn’t just wishful thinking, it’s an achievable and realistic path.
The Path to Universal Healthcare in Oregon
✅ Task Force Created - 2019
The Joint Task Force on Universal Health Care was tasked with designing a publicly funded, single-payer, universal health care system. From 2019-2022, the Task Force conducted research and a significant amount of public input from all geographic regions, and from specific underrepresented communities.
Click here for details about the task force ➡
✅ Task Force Report Completed - 2022
The report was presented to the legislature, and included a concept plan that shows that a single payer system is possible, will provide better care to more people, and will save money. The report included recommendations for next steps and a time line.
Click here to view the Task Force’s Final Report Summary ➡
Click here to view the Task Force’s full report ➡
✅ UHP Governance Board Created - 2023
The Universal Health Plan Governance Board will design a detailed, publicly funded, single payer universal health care system for recommendation to the Oregon Legislature. The extensive work of the Governance Board will ensure that the plan is done right.
Click here for details about the UHP Governance Board ➡
🔲 Governance Board Submits Recommended Plan - 2026
The UHP Governance Board will submit its recommended plan to the Oregon legislature.
🔲 Legislature Creates Oregon’s Single-Payer Plan - 2027
The legislature will turn the Governance Board’s plan in to legislation, creating a single-payer Universal Health Plan for Oregon.
🔲 Single-Payer Plan Rollout - Starting 2027
The Task Force’s Report showed that will take 2 years to fully implement the plan. The Governance Board will work out the details of the transition plan. When implementation is complete, every Oregonian will have access to quality, affordable health care with no deductibles, co-pays, or other out of pocket expenses. Everybody will be covered, nobody will be underinsured, and Oregon will save a lot of money.