LGBTQ+ Community & Benefits of Single-Payer

A single-payer health care system will have significant advantages for members of the LGBTQ+ community, and HCAO is working hard to ensure that Oregon’s Universal Health Plan will comprehensively address the needs of the LGBTQ+ community.

Advantages of single-payer for the LGBTQ+ community include:

  • Comprehensive Coverage. A single-payer system will provide comprehensive healthcare coverage, including medical, mental health, and gender-affirming care. This inclusivity ensures that LGBTQ+ individuals can access the care they need without the burden of prohibitive costs or coverage exclusions of private insurance plans.

  • Choice of Provider. No more “out of network” providers, with a single-payer system all providers are “in network.” With more providers to choose from, LGBTQ+ patients have more options to find a provider who understands their healthcare needs.

  • Reducing Discrimination. By centralizing healthcare financing, a single-payer system will more effectively implement and enforce non-discrimination policies. This means that healthcare services are provided based on medical necessity, without bias or exclusion due to gender identity or sexual orientation.

  • Enhanced Access to Gender-Affirming Care. Under our current profit-driven system, many LGBTQ+ individuals face challenges accessing gender-affirming care. Single-payer healthcare systems can standardize access to these essential services, recognizing them as medically necessary rather than “elective” or “cosmetic.”

  • Mental Health Support. The LGBTQ+ community experiences higher rates of mental health issues due to stigma, discrimination, and social exclusion. A single-payer system is better positioned to integrate mental health services with primary care, improving accessibility and reducing the stigma associated with seeking mental health support, in addition to having more choices of mental health care providers.

  • Financial Barriers Reduction. LGBTQ+ individuals, especially youth and seniors, are at a higher risk of poverty. Oregon’s single-payer system will eliminate out-of-pocket costs, making healthcare accessible regardless of income. This is crucial for preventing financial discrimination from preventing access to necessary healthcare services.

  • Improved Data Collection and Research. Single-payer systems can facilitate better health data collection and research, including data specific to the LGBTQ+ community. This means in the future, healthcare decisions can be informed by more available research on healthcare unique to LGBTQ+ individuals, and can inform more effective health care policies.