Health Care & Faith

The Health Care for All Faith Caucus recognizes that the teachings of every faith include some version of the Golden Rule, the essence of which is that, in addition to treating others fairly and with kindness, we have a duty to care for those in need, as we would want others to help our loved ones when we cannot help them ourselves.

We believe that this principle applies no more clearly than in the case of assuring that all have access to health care when they are in need. Regardless of faith, nearly everyone is familiar with the story of the Good Samaritan, which teaches that loving God and loving our neighbors are two parts of one thing and that everyone should be considered our “neighbor.” We see this as a call to put our faith into action.

What the Faith Caucus Is:

We are an interfaith group working to build a coalition of members of the faith community that will play a critical role in the effort to create a publicly funded universal health care system in Oregon and ultimately, assure access to everyone in the US.

What the Faith Caucus Does:
We work to educate congregations on the growing crisis in health care access and affordability, encouraging members to get involved in our struggle to address these injustices. We offer speakers, educational materials and assistance with mobilizing support in your faith community. Whether or not your congregation decides to join or endorse, there are plenty of ways that individuals can make a difference by putting their faith into action.

What does your Faith Community Say about Medicare for All? Link

Check out the current list of HCAO faith organizational members here.

Find out what you and your congregation can do for the cause here.

Please contact to find out how the Faith Caucus can help get you and your congregation or faith organization involved or if you would like to help with our outreach work around the state.