HCAO Committees
The committees of Health Care for All Oregon invite you to join in setting the direction of the movement by participating in a Committee. We are very interested in increasing representation from all regions of the state on all committees.
Meetings are generally held on zoom. If you’re interesting in serving on a committees, please fill out the Volunteer Form.
Communications Committee
The Communications Committee:
Raises awareness of our HCAO mission and campaign through a variety of media
Develops messaging and marketing strategies to advance our purpose with focus on:
Health care is a human right (moral argument)
Health care is a public good (civic argument)
Universal publicly-funded health care is good for the economy (economic argument)
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee:
Develops and proposes the annual budget,
Develops a fundraising plan and oversees its implementation,
Coordinates and consults with other committees, as needed.
Anyone interested in serving on the Finance Committee
Valdez Bravo, HCAO President
Legislative Committee
Formulates a legislative strategy to advocate for a publicly funded healthcare system that is affordable, universal, equitable, accountable, transparent, and for the public good in Oregon and the United States.
Organizes constituent contacts across state legislative districts to bring the voice of the public in advocating for related policies and legislation.
Continue to listen, develop, and build support for a plan within communities across Oregon especially those historically marginalized, HCAO member organizations and state government.
Engage in ongoing conversations with and monitoring of the Task Force on Universal Health Care to create a bill that meets the purposes, values, principles of their work.
Organizes for advocacy efforts to pass governmental and organizational resolutions that support the mission.
Reviews and makes recommendations on requests for endorsement of policies and legislation in alignment with the HCAO mission based on its Equity Principle.
Reviews and makes recommendations on requests to support events in alignment with the HCAO mission based on its Equity Principle.
Reviews and makes recommendations on requests to oppose policies and legislation that are contrary to HCAO’s mission and its Equity Principle.
Advocate, in conjunction with national organizations, for Medicare for All bills in the U.S. House and U.S. Senate.
Advocate, in conjunction with national organizations, for a state-based universal health care bill.
Hayden Rooke-Ley, Chair
Membership Committee
The Membership Committee:
Recruits new organizations into HCAO,
Provides support to member organizations,
Assesses the capacity of member organizations,
Acts as a liaison between member organizations and other committees,
Sarah Spansail, Chair
Mobilization Committee
The Mobilization Committee is responsible for developing the strategies, tools, and resources needed to engage, educate, and mobilize Oregonians in our Health Care is a Human Right movement.
The Mobilization Committee:
Develops proposals for actions and projects to build the power of our grassroots base
Identifies, trains and supports leaders statewide
Supports development of new and existing chapters
Coordinates communication between chapters
Coordinate volunteer recruitment and placement
Coordinates Tabling activities
Kate Pfister-Minogue and Lauri Hoagland, Co-Chair
Nominations and Elections Committee
The Nominations and Elections Committee (as defined in the HCAO bylaws):
Conducts extensive recruitment process among member organizations,
Proposes nominees for officer, board and Nominations and Election committee members,
Administers elections.
Keith Tierney, Chair