How to Contact Your State Senator

Send a message to your senator: Are they doing their job, or are they failing Oregonians?

Unexcused Absence: Anderson, Bonham, Boquist, Findley, Hansell, Hayden, Knopp, Linthicum, Robinson, Smith DB, Thatcher, Weber
Excused Absence: Girod, Gorsek
Present: Campos, Frederick, Gelser Blouin, Golden, Jama, Lieber, Manning Jr, Meek, Patterson, Prozanski, Sollman, Steiner, Taylor, Woods, President Wagner

To email your senator, just follow these quick & easy steps:

  1. Lookup your senator, using Oregon’s Legislative Lookup Tool (click here).
    Click the link, then enter your address at the top.

  2. Under your Senator, click on their email address or copy/paste in to your email app. Their phone number is there too, give their office a call and leave a voice mail if you prefer.

  3. Write a short message. You can use the samples below as a starting point.
    ❌ Is your senator failing you? Call out their failure to serve our state.
    ✅ Is your senator doing their job? Thank them for serving our state.

  4. Click send. It’s that simple!

✉️ Sample email, if your senator is failing to show up:

Hello Senator [name],

Please return to work and do your job. You are failing our state.

[your name]
[your city]

✉️ Sample email, if your senator is showing up:

Hello Senator [name],

Thank you for showing up to do your job and serving our state.

[your name]
[your city]