How to Contact Your State Senator
Send a message to your senator: Are they doing their job, or are they failing Oregonians?
Unexcused Absence: Anderson, Bonham, Boquist, Findley, Hansell, Hayden, Knopp, Linthicum, Robinson, Smith DB, Thatcher, Weber
Excused Absence: Girod, Gorsek
Present: Campos, Frederick, Gelser Blouin, Golden, Jama, Lieber, Manning Jr, Meek, Patterson, Prozanski, Sollman, Steiner, Taylor, Woods, President Wagner
To email your senator, just follow these quick & easy steps:
Lookup your senator, using Oregon’s Legislative Lookup Tool (click here).
Click the link, then enter your address at the top.Under your Senator, click on their email address or copy/paste in to your email app. Their phone number is there too, give their office a call and leave a voice mail if you prefer.
Write a short message. You can use the samples below as a starting point.
❌ Is your senator failing you? Call out their failure to serve our state.
✅ Is your senator doing their job? Thank them for serving our state.Click send. It’s that simple!
✉️ Sample email, if your senator is failing to show up:
Hello Senator [name],
Please return to work and do your job. You are failing our state.
[your name]
[your city]
✉️ Sample email, if your senator is showing up:
Hello Senator [name],
Thank you for showing up to do your job and serving our state.
[your name]
[your city]