We’re almost to the finish line!! The Oregon Senate has passed SB1089 and now the fate of the Universal Health Care Plan Governance Board is in the hands of the Oregon House of Representatives. The Legislature will be finished with its 2023 business this Sunday. They have a lot to do in a very short amount of time, we need your help to make sure the House prioritizes passing SB 1089!

SB 1089 establishes a Governance Board to recommend a universal health care plan for Oregon. The Board will present a comprehensive implementation plan to the Legislature.

👉 Take action now to urge your House Representative to vote for SB 1089. 

Your voice has been crucial in moving SB1089 to this exciting stage, but we aren’t finished yet. Call or email your State Representative TODAY and urge them to vote YES! to send SB 1089 to the Governor’s desk for signature.

✉️ To email your state representative, just follow these quick & easy steps:

  1. Lookup your House Representative, using Oregon’s Legislative Lookup Tool (click here).
    Click the link, then enter your address at the top.

  2. Under your House Representative, click on their email address or copy/paste in to your email app. Their phone number is there too, give their office a call and leave a voice mail if you prefer.

  3. Write a short message, tell them why universal health care is important to you, or tell your story. You can use the samples below as a starting point.

  4. Click send. It’s that simple!

✉️ Sample email:

Subject: Please pass SB 1089

Hello Representative [name],

Please vote YES to pass SB 1089. Thank you!

[your name]
[your city]