Take Action - Email or call your state senator!
HB 4130 passed the Senate Rules Committee, the next step is for the Oregon Senate to vote. Please email or call your senator! It only takes a few minutes.
The is a “minority report” which in this means a change to replace the entire contents of the bill with a “study” that will effectively postpone forever. This practice is called “gut & stuff.” The senate will vote on that too, let’s make sure they know we’re watching and don’t want the bill to be gutted.
How To Contact YOUR Senator
✉️ To email your state senator, just follow these quick & easy steps:
Look up your State Senator, using Oregon’s Legislative Lookup Tool (click here).
Click the link, then enter your address at the top.Under your State Senator, click on their email address or copy/paste in to your email app. Their phone number is there too, give their office a call and leave a voice mail if you prefer.
Write a short message, ask them to support the bill but not the minority report, and if you have time tell them why keeping profit-driven corporations out of your healthcare is important to you. You can use the samples below as a starting point.
Click send. It’s that simple!
✉️ Sample email:
Subject: Please support HB 4130 on Corporate Practice of Medicine
Hello Senator [name],
Please support HB 4130 to strengthen the ban on the corporate practice of medicine to help safeguard patient interests and physician independence. Please keep our medical decisions in the hands of medical professionals by voting NO on the gut and stuff minority report and YES on HB 4130.
[your name]
[your city]
You’re encouraged to share your thoughts, perspectives, or more information, but if you don’t have time then keeping it simple is okay!
📞 Sample phone message:
“Hello Senator [name], this is [your name] calling from [your city]. Please support HB 4130 to strengthen the ban on the corporate practice of medicine to help safeguard patient interests and physician independence. Please keep our medical decisions in the hands of medical professionals by voting NO on the gut and stuff minority report and YES on HB 4130. Thank you.”
About HB 4130
What it does: Prevents loopholes in existing laws, which are meant to stop medical practices from being controlled by large corporations. It will require licensed physicians to have majority control of medical practices. For more details, click here to read Rep Bowman’s Bill Brief.
Why it matters: Corporations are taking over and controlling our health care system. More and more medical practices are being controlled by corporations with a focus on profits over patient care. This means increased costs to patients, reduced access to care, and reduced quality of care. This landmark legislation will help prevent corporate control of medical practices.
What the Minority Report amendment does: The minority report amendment will remove 92% of the bill, effectively gutting it almost completely. This type of gutting is sometimes done in order to kill a good bill while pretending to vote for it.