Chapters: Portland
Welcome to the HCAO Portland Chapter
Welcome! Oregon is on the path to be the first state in the nation to achieve a fully universal, equitable, affordable, publicly funded healthcare system where Everybody is in and Nobody is out!
Join the Portland Chapter to educate and advocate in our local community!
We need YOU to build statewide support for this effort in OUR community. Bring your passion, talents, and desire to create our simplified healthcare system!
Get Involved
Monthly Meeting Information
The HCAO Portland Chapter holds virtual monthly meetings via Google Meets to share information, sharpen our messaging, and strategize our engagement. Meetings are held from 6pm-7pm on the second Wednesday of each month. All are welcome!
To attend Chapter meetings and receive the HCAO monthly newsletter, please sign a Statement of Support. After doing so, you will receive a link in your email that grants you access to our next virtual meeting.
Regular Activities
There are many ways to support your local chapter of HCAO including the following:
Tabling at a farmers market or at a street fair
Help us host a music event
Help us host an informative documentary screening
Participate as a member of our speakers bureau
Portland Chapter Chair: Linda Olson — portlandchapter@hcao.org
Portland Chapter Vice Chair : Tom Sincic — tomsincic@hcao.org