2024 HCAO Annual Meeting & Conference
Celebrating Our Success-Building For The Future
Saturday June 8, 2024
The HCAO Annual Membership Meeting and Conference is right around the corner! Register TODAY!!
Saturday June 8th, in Corvallis, we will celebrate our successes, learn about next steps on the path to universal health care, elect new Board Members (link to bios coming soon), and honor our Rock Stars!
Click Here to Register for IN-PERSON
Click Here to Register for ZOOM
Draft Agenda:
9am: Registration opens, coffee/tea/pastries served
10am-11:00: HCAO Annual Membership Meeting
Zoom opens at 11am
Welcome Remarks by Peter DeFazio, former representative of Oregon’s 4th Congressional District; Valdez Bravo, HCAO President; Dr. Chunhuei Chi, Professor, Global Health Program, Oregon State University; Video Remarks from US Senator Jeff Merkly
Universal Health Plan Governance Board Update
Panel: We have a LOT to Say-How to Talk about about Healthcare and Engage more Oregonians in our Work
Health Care for All Oregon is leading the charge in Oregon for a simplified, equitable and affordable healthcare system. Learn the latest on Oregonians beliefs and how to engage them in building our new healthcare system.
Panelists: Amaury Vogel - Executive Director, Oregon Values and Beliefs Center; Patty Wentz - Jackson Consulting, Health Care Communicator and former Journalist; Deren Ash, HCAO Communications Chair
Panel: Halting the Hostile Takeover of Health Care & Our Lives:
Oregon's healthcare landscape has seen a preponderance of clinic and hospital mergers, acquisitions, and closures that have far-reaching implications. These efforts are creating instability in the health care sector and chaos for patients, providers and communities. Learn about recent efforts in Oregon and how we can combat the hostile takeover of healthcare.
Panelists: Hayden Rooke Ley, Health Policy Lawyer, HCAO Legislative Chair; David Dayen, Author, Monopolized!; Dr. Cyrus Javadi, DDS, State Representative District 32; Dr. Gwen O’Keefe, Health Policy Activist5:00 Post Conference Reception-Music and refreshments and conversation